According to the World Health Organizati

According to the World Health Organization by 2030, 6 out of every 10 people will live in a #city, and by 2050, this proportion will increase to 7 out of 10 people. USFMEP is working each day with global leaders to find innovative solutions to make the word’s cities more liveable.

(Pic courtesy of Google)

“Nelson Mandela was a great inspiration

“Nelson Mandela was a great inspiration for the world and for me personally because of my work in peace-building through dialogue during the past twelve years. He inspired by example: forgiveness and reconciliation, which is part of what I do with people of diverse backgrounds in an attempt to build on the commonality of human beings.”
President Salwa Kader on Nelson Mandela in a Book of Condolence at the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations.

By 1990, less than 40% of the global pop

By 1990, less than 40% of the global population lived in a city, but as of 2010, more than half of all people live in an #urban area. USFMEP recognizes the importance of sustainable development and growth strategies for a rapidly growing global urban population. Here, President Salwa Kader (center) celebrates UN Day with various UN Ambassadors at a conference on urban sustainability in #Shanghai.

Sustainable #development is key to not o

Sustainable #development is key to not only ensuring lasting #peace, but also to realizing a better world. We understand this and work on a grass-roots level with key players in the social, economical, and environmental aspects of development. We’ve organized educational conferences for youth, discussed the economic challenges facing vulnerable women, and advocated for bearable farming techniques for more equal food distribution.

It’s that time again! Time for the annu

It’s that time again! Time for the annual UN Women’s Guild Bazaar we mean. The UN Women’s Guild works to help mothers and children around the world. The proceeds from the bazaar go to disadvantaged children around the world. President Kader is an integral part of the Women’s Guild in Manhattan and was its’ director for eight years. She even founded a Women’s Guild chapter in Jordan!
Pictured here is the bazaar by the Manhattan Women’s Guild Chapter.

According to the World Health Organizati

According to the World Health Organization (#WHO): globally, as many as 38% of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner! #usfmep organizes and attends high-level panel discussions with leaders in the fight against this form of violence in order to find effective, innovative, and fair global solutions to help women around the world. We can work together to end the #epidemic of #violence against women!