Stockholm Conference

The USFMEP held a conference regarding the Role of Immigrant women towards international peace.

Speakers included:

Mrs. Sally Kader, President (US Federation for Middle East Peace), Permanent Representative to United Nation, NY;

H.E. Mrs. Zohour Alaoui, Ambassador of Morocco to Sweden;

Ms. Sonya Gardfjord, UNIFEM Sweden, Human Rights Advocate;

Ms. Yvone Rawada, Swedish Parliament member.

Prayer Breakfast with President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden

Delegation from the US Federation for Middle East Peace at the prayer breakfast with President Obama and vice president Joe Biden. In attendance was Congressman Mr. Travis Childers of Mississippi and Judge Eugene Hamilton of the District of Colombia, the Ambassador of permanent mission of Philippines to the United Nations with his wife plus a dozen foreign leaders, including former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who delivered the keynote address, during the National Prayer Breakfast  in Washington, D.C.